Contact Attorney Matthew T. Marin today for a FREE CASE EVALUATION and a no non-sense opinion regarding your case at 401-228-8271 or Attorney Matthew T. Marin has experience handling a variety of cases statewide in Rhode Island.
FAIRHAVEN, Mass., (WPRI) - Fairhaven police make two arrests in two separate armed robberies happening in their town over the last week.
In both incidents the suspects used a knife, according to police.
Officers say the first robbery happened on January 22nd at the Seaport Inn and Marina. Bradford Cardoza, 35, is accused of robbing an elderly man with a knife.
The victim was reportedly robbed of credit cards and cash as he walked back to the room he rented. Police arrested Cardoza two days later.
The second robbery happened on January 27th at the Top Music store on Main Street.
Police say Floyd Stone, 51, entered the store armed with a hammer and knife demanding cash. The suspect also reportedly stole a guitar on display and fled the area.
A short time later, officers located Stone at a liquor store. He was taken into custody and driven back to the scene of the crime - where he was positively identified as the robbery suspect, police said.
A search of Stone's residence resulted in discovery of the stolen store merchandise.
He has been charged with larceny of property over $250, armed robbery and assault with intent to rob.
Both Stone and Cardoza have been arraigned on the charges.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Monday, January 30, 2012
Rhode Island Case: Owner of Top Political Nightspot Arrested Over Weekend
**Contact Attorney Matthew T. Marin today for a FREE CASE EVALUATION and a no non-sense opinion regarding your case at 401-228-8271 or Attorney Matthew T. Marin has experience handling cases statewide involving charges including drunk driving, chemical test refusal, and leaving the scene of an accident.**
Dan McGowan, GoLocalProv News Editor
The 48-year-old man who was driving when his 21-year-old female passenger jumped out of the car onto I-95 over the weekend is the owner of Pearl Restaurant & Lounge, a Charles Street nightspot known for hosting various political fundraisers.
Joseph Aloisio was charged with driving under the influence and the woman, a Smithfield resident, died at the scene. State police are investigating the accident.
According to the police report, “troopers arrested Joseph M. Aloisio, age 48, of 3 Kiki Circle, Cranston, RI for 1.) Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol B.A.C. Unknown – 1st Offense, 2.) Chemical Test Refusal. This arrest was the result of an investigation into an incident on the Route 95 South at the Washington Street overpass. Aloisio was transported to the Lincoln Woods Barracks where he was processed and held overnight pending morning arraignment.”
Aloisio, who also owns a liquor store in Providence, is the former owner of MugShots, the Manton Ave. bar which closed in 2009 after two teenagers were killed in a car accident following a night of drinking at the establishment.
Bar Hosted Senate Dems Event Last Year
Pearl has hosted several political events over the years, including a $125 per-head Senate Democrats PAC event last May. The lounge also hosted a meet-and-greet in 2010 with Councilman Nick Narducci and Angel Taveras, who had just won the Democratic Primary for Mayor of Providence. Over the past decade, Aloisio himself has contributed thousands of dollars to former Mayor David Cicilline, various Council members, Secretary of State Ralph Mollis, former House Speaker William Murphy and former gubernatorial candidate Frank Caprio.
Last summer, GoLocalProv found that Pearl was violating a 2004 Consent Order agreed to between the lounge (formerly known as Club Confetti), a local neighborhood group and the Providence Board of Licenses. The agreement made it clear that the lounge was not allowed to operate as a nightclub, to have a DJ or to allow more than 75 patrons after 11 p.m., but Pearl was found to have advertised itself as club throughout the summer.
At one point, Pearl hosted a “7 Year Anniversary Party,” which featured Ronnie from the show Jersey Shore, also promoted a special guest appearance from a DJ known as DJ Head Honcho. At another event, hundreds of patrons turned out to meet adult film star Sasha Grey, who was also promoted as a guest DJ.
The agreement was reached after neighbors complained about underage drinking in the club. In a statement to GoLocalProv, Aloisio said the problems were in the past.
“The past is just that, [the] past,” he said in a statement to GoLocalProv. “Pearl restaurant & lounge has no interest in reliving it. Since 2004 we have continuously strived to remain good neighbors and a very big supporter of the entire community. We have consistently expanded our dining menu, made improvements to the restaurants interior and exterior, as well as held numerous charity fundraisers, special events, and community events. We feel strongly that over the last seven years of operations that our commitment to the community, our guests and team members show more than anything else we are not here to relive the past.”
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Rhode Island Case: Women Charged For Multi-State Break-Ins
Contact Attorney Matthew T. Marin today for a FREE CASE EVALUATION and a no non-sense opinion regarding your case at 401-228-8271 or Attorney Matthew T. Marin has experience handling a variety of cases statewide in Rhode Island.
VIA East Bay
Two women arrested in connection to multiple break-ins in south Westport have aalso been charged in Little Compton with one break-in.
VIA East Bay
Two women arrested in connection to multiple break-ins in south Westport have aalso been charged in Little Compton with one break-in.
Tarisa Affonso, 20, of 37 Fairfield Ave., Tiverton, and Brea Goyette, 20, of Fall River, were taken into custody in Tiverton on Jan. 18 when their vehicle was spotted by an off-duty officer, according to Westport police.
Brea Goyette, 20, of Fall River, was arrested in connection to multiple break-ins in Westport, Mass., and one in Little Compton.
They were each subsequently charged in Little Compton with breaking and entering, larceny over $500, and conspiracy to commit a felony, according to Little Compton police.
The next afternoon, they turned themselves in to Westport police and were each charged with three counts of breaking and entering, two counts of larceny over $250, and conspiracy. Police are also investigating a break-in on Adamsville Road and charges are pending.
The break-ins in Westport, on Fisherville Lane, Old Harbor Road, and Pine Hill Road, all occurred between Jan. 11 and Jan. 18, police said. They are accused of stealing jewelry and electronics. Little Compton police said the items included an iPad and a small laptop computer, along with jewelry.
It was a burglar alarm in the Old Harbor Road home that started the chain of events that led to their arrest.
After responding to the scene, Westport police asked Tiverton and Little Compton police to be on the lookout for a gold colored four-door car with extensive driver’s side damage that had been seen at the home.
An off-duty Tiverton police officer spotted the car and notified other officers, who stopped the women on Main Road in Tiverton near Lafayette Street.
Both Westport and Little Compton police interviewed them.
Ms. Affonso was wearing jewelry reported stolen from the homes, police said. She also identified four homes that they had broken into.
They allegedly knocked on doors to see if anyone was home. If someone was home, they had a fake story about a lost dog, police said. If not, they would break into the house.
The girls told investigators that they had sold and pawned some of the stolen jewelry and identified stores in both Swansea and Fall River that they had done business with.
They may also face charges in those cities.
Westport police secured a warrant for Ms. Goyette’s Fall River apartment and a joint effort between officers from the Little Compton, Westport, and Fall River forces enacted a search of the premises.
During the search, investigators found several stolen items as well as a quantity of cocaine.
“The success of this investigation was possible because of the solid efforts from all of the law enforcement officers involved in this case,” said Westport Det. Sgt. Antonio Cestodio.
Police still have several confiscated items that are unclaimed. They encourage anyone with information to contact their local police department.
Det. Sgt. Cestodio stressed that the best deterrent to burglars is a functioning house alarm and properly locked doors.
Police are also investigating a possible male accomplice.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Rhode Island Drunk Driving Case: Man arrested on third DUI charge
**Contact Attorney Matthew T. Marin today for a FREE CASE EVALUATION and a no non-sense opinion regarding your case at 401-228-8271 or Attorney Matthew T. Marin has experience handling cases statewide involving charges including drunk driving, chemical test refusal, and leaving the scene of an accident.**
VIA Turn to
West Greenwich, RI - A West Greenwich man is expected to be in court Monday to face his third charge of driving under the influence.
State police arrested and charged Richard Rutherford, 58, of West Greenwich after someone called 911 to tell police he was driving erratically.
Troopers stopped his truck and also found four children in the truck between the ages of 2 and 10.
Officials arraigned Rutherford at the State Police barracks and he was transferred to the Adult Correctional Institutions in Cranston. He was also cited for child restraint violations.
Police said Rutherford had previously been arrested in Iowa and Texas on related impaired driving charges.
Police said they called the Department of Children, Youth and Families, and the children were released to a family friend.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Rhode Island Drug Case: Rep. Watson arrested in South Kingstown, charged with possessing marijuana
**Contact RI Drug Lawyer Matthew T. Marin today for a FREE CASE EVALUATION and a no non-sense opinion regarding your case at 401-228-8271 or RI Marijuana Lawyer Matthew T. Marin has experience handling cases statewide involving charges including simple possession of marijuana, possession with intent to deliver marijuana, delivery of marijuana, and cultivation of marijuana.**
VIA The Providence Journal
SOUTH KINGSTOWN, R.I. -- Former House Minority Leader Robert A. Watson was arrested early Sunday morning and charged with possession of marijuana after a plow operator called the South Kingstown police to report an erratic driver.
Watson, a Republican representative from East Greenwich, pleaded not guilty last year to charges of drunken driving and possession of marijuana stemming from an stop at a sobriety checkpoint in Connecticut; he is awaiting a trial date in that case.
Lt. William B. Buckley said that the police received the call at 11:53 p.m. Saturday. The plow operator was clearing snow in the parking lot of the Washington County Veterinary Hospital, 4263 Tower Hill Road, and told police "an intoxicated motorist was driving on a flat tire and almost struck him," Buckley said.
When the police arrived, they saw a white Volvo sedan in the lot, with its rubber tire missing from the rim on the front driver's side. The driver's side door was open and a man who identified himself as Robert Watson was standing beside it, according to the police. There were no passengers in the car.
"The officers observed what appeared to be a pipe commonly used to smoke marijuana on the driver's side floor of the Volvo," Buckley said. "The officers also discovered a clear sandwich bag containing a green, leafy substance believed to be marijuana in the area of the driver's seat."
Watson was brought to the South Kingstown Police Department for processing and was released at 4:20 a.m. Sunday, Buckley said, with a summons to appear in Fourth District Court at 9 a.m. on Feb. 2
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Rhode Island Larceny Case: Barrington Police Charge E.P. Teen With Car Break-Ins
Call Attorney Matthew T. Marin today for a FREE CASE EVALUATION and a no non-sense opinion regarding your case at 401-228-8271 or Attorney Matthew T. Marin has experience handling a variety of cases statewide in Rhode Island.
Barrington Police Charge E.P. Teen With Car Break-Ins
Officials issue warrant for second teenager’s arrest
BARRINGTON — Barrington police charged Christopher S. Storti, 19, of 153 Worcester Ave., East Providence, with five counts of larceny under $500 for his alleged role in a string of thefts from motor vehicles.
On Tuesday, Jan. 10 at about 4:30 p.m., Mr. Storti turned himself in at the Barrington Police Department for the larcenies that took place in late December. Police officials also issued a warrant for the arrest of a 17-year-old Barrington boy who allegedly assisted Mr. Storti with the crimes.
On Dec. 28, an East Providence police officer reportedly saw a vehicle driven by Mr. Storti — the Barrington teen was a passenger — fail to stop at a stop sign; the officer ordered it over to the side of the road, and upon approaching the driver’s side window reportedly smelled the odor of burnt marijuana.
A subsequent search of Mr. Storti’s car and later a search of Mr. Storti’s home turned up nearly a dozen GPS units and other electronic devices linking the pair to larcenies in East Providence, Barrington and Seekonk.
East Providence police then arrested Mr. Storti and the 17-year-old Barrington boy.
On the same day as the arrest, Barrington police received 11 complaints for larcenies from vehicles. The incidents were believed to have occurred earlier that day or late Tuesday night, Dec. 27. A number of GPS units, a wallet, a purse and loose change was stolen from unlocked cars in the northern part of town, near the East Providence line. Barrington Police Chief John LaCross said the items recovered from Mr. Storti’s car and home were later traced back to the Barrington thefts.
George Morse contributed to this story.
Monday, January 16, 2012
Rhode Island Marijuana Cases: Police answer Craigslist ad for marijuana, arrest teen
**RI Drug Lawyer Matthew T. Marin today for a FREE CASE EVALUATION and a no non-sense opinion regarding your case at 401-228-8271 or RI Marijuana Lawyer Matthew T. Marin has experience handling cases statewide involving charges including simple possession of marijuana, possession with intent to deliver marijuana, delivery of marijuana, and cultivation of marijuana.**
VIA THE PROVIDENCE JOURNALJAMESTOWN -New to town, 18-year-old Jason Gardiner wanted to know where he could find some weed, according to the Jamestown police.
So, he posted an ad on Craigslist -- and got a response from the cops.
Jamestown Detective Derek Carlino wrote back, and Gardiner arranged to meet him to buy marijuana Sunday afternoon, according to a news release.
Gardiner, of 61 Spirketing St., was arrested at the meeting and charged with soliciting another to commit a crime, a felony.
For More Information About Our Rhode Island Drunk Marijuana Lawyers Visit Our Website at:
Monday, January 9, 2012
Rhode Island Reveals Results of DWI Holiday Enforcement
Attorney Matthew T. Marin today for a FREE CASE EVALUATION and a no non-sense opinion regarding your case at 401-228-8271 or Attorney Matthew T. Marin has experience handling cases statewide involving charges including drunk driving, chemical test refusal, and leaving the scene of an accident.**
Cops reveal results of DWI enforcementHoliday weekend efforts a success
Rhode Island State Police and the Rhode Island Police Chiefs' Association have announced the results of their DWI crackdown over the holiday weekend.
State Police teamed up with the state's Municipal Police Departments over New Year's to keep roadways safe through heavy enforcement against impaired driving.
Municipal Police Departments booked 17 arrests for driving while intoxicated on December 31, 2011, and January 1, 2012. State Police made 11 arrests for DWI during those two days.
"The Rhode Island State Police continues to prioritize DUI enforcement," said Col. Steven O'Donnell, Superintendent of the RI State Police in a news release. "We stress prevention, but those who decide to endanger our citizens by operating drunk should pay the price for doing so."
Police say the increased enforcement efforts will continue throughout the year
Cops reveal results of DWI enforcementHoliday weekend efforts a success
Rhode Island State Police and the Rhode Island Police Chiefs' Association have announced the results of their DWI crackdown over the holiday weekend.
State Police teamed up with the state's Municipal Police Departments over New Year's to keep roadways safe through heavy enforcement against impaired driving.
Municipal Police Departments booked 17 arrests for driving while intoxicated on December 31, 2011, and January 1, 2012. State Police made 11 arrests for DWI during those two days.
"The Rhode Island State Police continues to prioritize DUI enforcement," said Col. Steven O'Donnell, Superintendent of the RI State Police in a news release. "We stress prevention, but those who decide to endanger our citizens by operating drunk should pay the price for doing so."
Police say the increased enforcement efforts will continue throughout the year
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Rhode Island Drunk Driving Cases: 28 arrests were made in holiday drunk driving crackdown
Attorney Matthew T. Marin today for a FREE CASE EVALUATION and a no non-sense opinion regarding your case at 401-228-8271 or Attorney Matthew T. Marin has experience handling cases statewide involving charges including drunk driving, chemical test refusal, and leaving the scene of an accident.**
Posted: 1/5/2012
28 people were arrested for Driving under the influence over the holiday weekend due to a crackdown on drunk drivers by both state and municipal police departments.
The state police joined together with police chiefs throughout the state in the “designate before you celebrate” campaign, warning people of the dangers and consequences of drunk driving.
The State police made 11 of the 28 DUI arrests while municipalities made 17 arrests. State Police Superintendent Colonel Steven O’Donnell said “The Rhode Island State Police continues to prioritize DUI enforcement. We stress prevention, but those who decide to endanger our citizens by operating drunk should pay the price for doing so.”
Gabrielle Abbate, Executive Director of Mothers Against Drunk Drivers, commended law enforcements efforts in taking on drunk driving. “MADD salutes Rhode Island law enforcement, who were on the front lines combating drunk driving in order to keep families safe and injury free during the past holiday weekend,” she said.
Posted: 1/5/2012
28 people were arrested for Driving under the influence over the holiday weekend due to a crackdown on drunk drivers by both state and municipal police departments.
The state police joined together with police chiefs throughout the state in the “designate before you celebrate” campaign, warning people of the dangers and consequences of drunk driving.
The State police made 11 of the 28 DUI arrests while municipalities made 17 arrests. State Police Superintendent Colonel Steven O’Donnell said “The Rhode Island State Police continues to prioritize DUI enforcement. We stress prevention, but those who decide to endanger our citizens by operating drunk should pay the price for doing so.”
Gabrielle Abbate, Executive Director of Mothers Against Drunk Drivers, commended law enforcements efforts in taking on drunk driving. “MADD salutes Rhode Island law enforcement, who were on the front lines combating drunk driving in order to keep families safe and injury free during the past holiday weekend,” she said.
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Rhode Island Drug Lawyer Matthew T. Marin Announces A Major Case Victory for a Client Facing Felony Drug Charges
Attorney Matthew T. Marin announces the DISMISSAL of felony drug charges faced by a local college student Client. If you need assistance or are facing Rhode Island marijuana charges or other Rhode Island drug charges, contact Attorney Matthew T. Marin at 401-228-8271 or
CHARGES:(1) Possession of Adderall
(2) Possession of Vicodin
(3) Possession of Marijuana
POLICE REPORT: The Client was driving home from class at a local Rhode Island university. The Police observed the Client speeding and halted his vehicle. Upon speaking with the Client, the Police smelled a strong odor of marijuana emanating from the vehicle. The Defendant was asked to exit and the vehicle was searched. During the search, the Police identified a small quantity of marijuana and a pill bottle containing both adderall and hydrocodone. Based on the drugs located during the search, the Defendant was charged with possession of marijuana, adderall, and hydrocodone.
RESULTS: ALL CHARGES DISMISSED after the Defendant successfully completed the Adult Diversion Program
For More Information About Our Rhode Island Drug Defense Lawyers Visit Our Website at:
CHARGES:(1) Possession of Adderall
(2) Possession of Vicodin
(3) Possession of Marijuana
POLICE REPORT: The Client was driving home from class at a local Rhode Island university. The Police observed the Client speeding and halted his vehicle. Upon speaking with the Client, the Police smelled a strong odor of marijuana emanating from the vehicle. The Defendant was asked to exit and the vehicle was searched. During the search, the Police identified a small quantity of marijuana and a pill bottle containing both adderall and hydrocodone. Based on the drugs located during the search, the Defendant was charged with possession of marijuana, adderall, and hydrocodone.
RESULTS: ALL CHARGES DISMISSED after the Defendant successfully completed the Adult Diversion Program
For More Information About Our Rhode Island Drug Defense Lawyers Visit Our Website at:
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Rhode Island Drunk Driving News: State Police arrested 10 for DUI on New Years Eve
**Attorney Matthew T. Marin today for a FREE CASE EVALUATION and a no non-sense opinion regarding your case at 401-228-8271 or Attorney Matthew T. Marin has experience handling cases statewide involving charges including drunk driving, chemical test refusal, and leaving the scene of an accident.**
On New Year's Eve and the early New Year's Day, the State Police arrested 10 people for driving under the influence. The most notable incident involved a motorist who rear-ended a police cruiser that was stopped with its flashing lights on at another accident.
The accident occurred at 6:39 a.m. Sunday. The vehicle was going north on Route 95 at the intersection of Charles Street in Providence, said Lt. Kelsey Marshall.
Candido Arias, 59, of 659 Chalkstone Ave., Providence, was charged with driving under the influence. Arias suffered minor injuries in the accident, Marshall said, and consented to a blood-alcohol test at Rhode Island Hospital. Arias had four passengers who were also treated for minor injuries as was one of the troopers at the scene.
Candido Arias, 59, of 659 Chalkstone Ave., Providence, was charged with driving under the influence. Arias suffered minor injuries in the accident, Marshall said, and consented to a blood-alcohol test at Rhode Island Hospital. Arias had four passengers who were also treated for minor injuries as was one of the troopers at the scene.
For More Information About Our Rhode Island Drunk Driving Defense Lawyers Visit Our Website at:
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